What our Delegates are Saying
This was my all time favourite symposium (and I’ve been in practice for nearly 30 years!). The love and the integrity and celebration of beautiful food as medicine (instead of supplements) is what made it so special….I’ve always embraced a really healthy diet and exercised. But this has just been the icing on the cake.
Thank you to Christine and all the wonderful team who brought this together.
I look forward to follow ups in future years.
- Dr D.C (Chinese Medicine), VIC

Still coming down from the high of the amazing Symposium last weekend. A massive thank you to Cell-Logic and the incredible speakers who left me feeling inspired and incredibly grateful to have this shared knowledge as a powerful resource. G.E.M.M forms the base of 90% of what I do in my practice and I couldn't be happier to be able to use such a food and science-based approach to empower them in their own health AND to have a Symposium like this to build on that. In particular, it was so motivating to hear Christine Houghton, Amanda Archibald and Yael speak, share and highlight the possible next steps in nutrigenomics. I'm am already adding some of what I learnt into my treatment plans. On top of that, the food, speaker notes and sense of community was incredible. Please tell me there's another symposium planned for next year!
- K.S (Nutritionist), NSW
I'd like to say a GIANT heart-felt thank you to the Cell-logic team for a truly inspiring Symposium. Wow. Every detail was lovingly hand-curated, and permeated by a level of integrity, professionalism, respect, positivity and affection that was palpable - and contagious! The quality of speakers was world-class, the information shared was deeply rooted in the science (we'll all be studying those biochemical pathways for months just to grab it's tails!) yet in each instance was thoughtfully paired with practical clinical interpretation and tools. There was so much passion in the delivery of the central messaging - returning whole real food to the centre of the prescription pad as the primary tool of healing - it was a balm to my soul, as I know it was for many others! And how lucky were we to be recipients of that in action... the food we shared all weekend and the insanely beautiful Mediterranean themed Gala Dinner! Extraordinary. Thank you Christine for holding such a strong vision for this work, this message, and this symposium - Andrew was right in calling you a Thought Leader. We are all indebted to you for your commitment and continued research. I know there were so many people who made it happen - but huge thankyou's also to our dedicated Cell-logic team Margeaux, Rob & Matt. I know together with Christine you all put in an un-fathomable amount of time and energy to make this a special experience. So heart-felt thanks to all of you!
- N.S (Nutritionist), NSW

I just wanted to say a huge thankyou and a huge congratulations for such a terrific event on the weekend. We all agree that you set a new standard for educational events. It was amazing.
The detail, the planning, the thought that went into it all, the quality of the presentations.... and of course the catering was out of this world and really 'walked the talk' for everything we'd been learning about.
We loved the opportunity to meet up with our tribe and connect with so many in person. Conviviality really was the word! Words were "full to the brim with information, indulgent culinary delights, and insightful clinical pearls." Christine described the weekend as "physically exhausting but soul-nourishing." You guys must be shattered, but hopefully also elated.
I hope you get a bit of time to recoup and reflect upon your achievement, and to take a moment to acknowledge the difference you're making within our profession. You can be sure we will be taking all our notes and putting our heads together to incorporate these teachings into our curriculum.
- M.S (Naturopath & Educator), QLD
It was am amazing event and so well planned and executed.
- D.G (Naturopath), QLD
Couldn't have said it better!! A fantastic weekend on teaching and connection. My cup runs over with gratitude for every single person that made this a very memorable weekend.
- B.R (Nutritionist), New Zealand
A very big thank you to Christine Houghton and Cell-Logic for an incredible and inspiring seminar. I really loved the conviviality (to coin a word) and support from everyone! I am new to G.E.M.M but can’t wait to put the concepts into practice. Thanks again for an incredible weekend.
- V.K (Naturopath), VIC
Outstanding weekend of learning and connection, Christine Houghton and team have set a new (high) benchmark. Hands down the best conference I have ever attended in absolutely every way.
- S.L (Naturopath), QLD

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this out standing International Symposium. The amount of detailed organization and thorough thinking from lectures, speakers, catering goes beyond I was expecting. I'm really thrilled and happy to have been exposed to this amount of work and knowledge.
- K.R (Naturopath), Sunshine Coast
So great to see you and be at the Symposium. It was the best. I felt so happy and inspired because that is how Natural Medicine should be. Thank you so much.
- Dr I.G (Integrative Medicine), VIC
I loved the Symposium! I'm so grateful that I could go and I am feeling very inspired.
- L.S (Nutritionist), VIC
The symposium was wonderful. Thank you.
There were so many great speakers and pearls of wisdom I was able to implement straight away in Clinic.
- P.C (Naturopath), SA