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Meet our Speakers

Dr Christine Houghton

PhD, B.Sc.(Biochem.), Grad.Dip.Hum.Nutr., R.Nutr.

Dr Christine Houghton enjoys a fulfilling and varied career in Nutritional Medicine spanning several decades.  Her influential work in translational research remains at the forefront of this rapidly-evolving profession. A Registered Nutritionist with three decades’ clinical experience, Dr Houghton holds a PhD in Nutrigenomics and a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Queensland, together with a Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition from Deakin University, Victoria.


She is the Founder and Faculty Head of the Institute for Nutrigenomic Medicine and is the CEO of Cell-Logic, a research-based developer and manufacturer of clinically-relevant nutrigenomic formulations.


Her research projects include the application of phytochemicals in human gut, brain and metabolic health, foundation principles that underpin the Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.) Protocol and the evidence-based clinician series, Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine.


A regular speaker at Australian and international conferences, she is an engaging speaker whose evidence-based presentations often challenge existing paradigms.

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Dr Christine Houghton PhD., B.Sc., R.Nutr.

Cell-Logic's Senior Scientist & Founding Director

Symposium Topics

  • ​Opening Address – Revelations of 21st Century Nutrition Science 
    Saturday 04 | 8:40am

  • Modulating the Biochemical ‘Orchestra’ We Call Inflammation
    Sunday 05 | 9:10am

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Dr Christine Houghton enjoys a fulfilling and varied career in Nutritional Medicine spanning several decades.  Her influential work in translational research remains at the forefront of this rapidly-evolving profession. A Registered Nutritionist with three decades’ clinical experience, Dr Houghton holds a PhD in Nutrigenomics and a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Queensland, together with a Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition from Deakin University, Victoria.


She is the Founder and Faculty Head of the Institute for Nutrigenomic Medicine and is the CEO of Cell-Logic, a research-based developer and manufacturer of clinically-relevant nutrigenomic formulations.


Her research projects include the application of phytochemicals in human gut, brain and metabolic health, foundation principles that underpin the Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.) Protocol and the evidence-based clinician series, Conversations in Nutrigenomic Medicine.


A regular speaker at Australian and international conferences, she is an engaging speaker whose evidence-based presentations often challenge existing paradigms.

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Dr Yael Joffe (South Africa & USA)


Symposium Topics

  • The Chicken and the Egg: Bringing Together the Worlds of Genetics and Epigenetics Saturday 04 | 1:50pm

  • ‘Genes First’: Genetics as a Screening Tool Sunday 05 | 2:00pm
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Dr Yael Joffe is globally acknowledged as a leading expert in nutrigenomics. In 2000, her team built the first lifestyle genetics test and since then, has been responsible for building many others. She is the author of four books, The Power of Genetics, It’s Not Just Your Genes, Genes to Plate, and The SNP Journal. She has been published in multiple peer-reviewed scientific journals, hosts the Power of Genetics podcast and is a highly-regarded speaker in genetics.

She built the first online nutrigenomics platform for clinician education, having developed and supervised genomics courses around the world. She has trained thousands of healthcare practitioners globally, also teaching at Rutgers University and the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

In 2018, Dr Joffe founded 3X4 Genetics and now serves as its Chief Science Officer.  The company’s practitioner-focused genetics platform offers comprehensive genetic testing, reporting and recommendations, clinician education, mentorship and practitioner community.

Dr Leland Stillman (USA)


Symposium Topics

  • Ironic Realities of Iron and Iron-Overload Saturday 04 | 2:40pm
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Dr Leland Stillman was born in New York City and grew up in Richmond, Virginia. He graduated from Connecticut College with a degree in Environmental Health and a minor in Chemistry.

He received his medical doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Medicine and completed his residency training at Maine Medical Center.


He now resides in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he focuses on nutrition and hormonal health in his practice. In his spare time, he likes free-diving and paddleboarding.


He became fascinated with iron and iron-overload syndromes in 2020 and has been speaking out about the dangers of iron-overload ever since.

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Ms. Amanda Archibald (USA)

BA (Hons), BSc.,RD

Symposium Topics

  • The Mediterranean and Its Diet Through the Lens of Nutrigenomics 
    Saturday 04 | 9:30am

  • Culinary Genomics: Translating Nutrigenomic “Therapy” to the Plate
    Sunday 05 | 3:25pm

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Amanda Archibald is widely recognised as an early adopter in translational genomics, connecting nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics to the kitchen and to health. She founded The Genomic Kitchen as a platform for delivering education and services that connect genes to food and health. Amanda is the author of two books, a clinician, an educator and a consultant.

In addition to a busy private practice, Amanda teaches and mentors clinicians around the world in her efforts to make nutritional and culinary genomics more widely understood and accessible. Her cutting-edge work in nutritional and culinary genomics resulted in consulting for a variety of entities including Hawkins Watts (NZ), Healthy America and Sodexo (France/USA).

Amanda’s work in culinary genomics is foundational to the first nutrigenomically-informed menu in the world offered to patients and staff at Sharp Healthcare, San Diego. Originally from the UK, Amanda currently resides in the high desert and mountains of Western Colorado.

Dr Tim Ewer (New Zealand)


Symposium Topic

  • An Integrative Approach to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders​​ Sunday 05 | 11:40am
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Dr Tim Ewer has been working in integrative medicine for over 30 years and he is vocationally registered as both a specialist physician and a general practitioner. 


He has a GP practice with 25 staff and a specialised integrative health centre in Mapua, Nelson, NZ. Prior to this, Tim was a hospital physician for 10 years after gaining his medical degree and specialist qualifications in the UK.

Tim has trained in a variety of modalities including nutrition, environmental medicine, hyperbaric medicine, acupuncture, photobiomodulation, biofeedback and bioenergetic modalities.

Tim has been an advisor to the World Health Organisation on natural medicine and to the New Zealand government on CAM. He is a founding board member of the Board of Integrative Medicine Australasia (BIMA), a member and previous vice-president of AIMA, and a faculty member of the Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). 

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Dr David Montgomery &
Ms. Anne Biklé (USA)

Symposium Topic

  • What Your Food Ate - Restoring Health to the Land and People Saturday 04 | 10:55am
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This is a pre-recorded presentation followed by a live Q&A

David R. Montgomery PhD, B.S. is a MacArthur Fellow and Professor of Geomorphology at the University of Washington.  He is an internationally-recognized geologist who studies the effects of geological processes on ecological systems and human societies.  He is the author of several textbooks in his field and his work has been featured in documentary films, network and cable news, TV, and radio including NOVA, PBS NewsHour, Fox and Friends, and All Things Considered. 

Anne Biklé BA.(Biol.), MLA. (Environ. Plan.) is a science writer and public speaker, drawing on her background in biology and environmental planning to explore humanity’s tangled relationship with nature through the lens of agriculture, soil, and food. She is particularly enthralled with the botanical world and its influence on humanity throughout history.  Her writing has appeared in digital and print magazines, newspapers, and her work has been featured in radio and independent documentary films. 

Anne and David are married and live in Seattle, WA. Their work includes What Your Food Ate: How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim Our Health, and a trilogy of books about soil health, microbiomes, and farming — Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, The Hidden Half of Nature, and Growing a Revolution.

Dr Joanna McMillan 

PhD, BSc. (Hons1) Nutrition Science 

Symposium Topic

  • The Science and Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sunday 05 | 9:55am
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As a PhD qualified nutrition scientist, dietitian, Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Graduate of The Australian Institute of Company Directors, along with a career spanning three decades, Jo has the credentials and the experience to earn her place as one of Australia’s most sought-after and trusted health and wellbeing experts.


Jo has a natural ability to translate complex science into simple, everyday messages that engage. She is a regular on television, a frequent guest on a variety of radio networks and podcasts, as well as featuring in online and print publications, the author of eight published books and four audio books, covering a range of topics including gut, brain and heart health, and an experienced speaker, with over one million views of her 2017 TedX talk. She is a non-executive director on the board of Cobram Estate Olives and runs her own nutrition science consultancy business.

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Dr J. Helen Fitton


Symposium Topic

  • Seaweed Science, Dietary Studies and Clinical Potential
    Sunday 05 | 12:30pm
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Dr J. Helen Fitton trained as a research chemist and holds a  BSc(Hons)Biochemistry and a PhD in Applied Chemistry.

She has become recognised as an authority on seaweed derived bioactives, with more than 20 years of experience in macroalgal compound research and development, highly cited publications and several patents.


Dr Fitton believes that there is increasing need to understand existing and novel compounds from marine biomass and undertake properly designed trials that inform clinicians and consumers. Seaweeds have potential to address multiple health challenges such as inflammation, trace element deficiencies and poor gut health.   


Joining Dr Pia Winberg at Venus Shell Systems has been inspiring, with their combined scientific understanding of seaweed compounds providing new avenues of fruitful research. Dr Fitton is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Mr Robert Thomas


Facilitator for Taste the Science and Gala Dinner

As an experienced clinician in natural medicine, Robert’s clinical experience extends over four decades including a busy private practice. Additionally, he co-developed a national health programme designed to educate school students in self-care.

Robert’s approach to patient care has been subsequently shaped by his extensive post-graduate study in Advanced Translational Nutrigenomic Medicine. His particular interest lies in exploring endogenously-synthesised glutathione in antioxidant and detoxification processes. His focus extends to the complex collaboration of lesser-known enzymes, peptides, proteins and genes, all essential for normal cellular function.

As a Faculty member of the Institute of Nutrigenomic Medicine, Robert has developed educational modules addressing cellular signalling, glutathione metabolism and nutrigenomic influences on the immune response.

His interest in cellular biochemistry is underscored by his passion for nature and the core principles of natural medicine. Combined with his diverse clinical experience and relaxed teaching style, he brings inspirational and practical insights into clinical practice.

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Ms. Margeaux Kruger

AdvDipNut, AdvDipNat, BBus(Mktg)

Taste the Science Speaker

Dr Soup: Vegetables for all Seasons & Age Groups Sunday 05 | 10:30am

Margeaux Kruger is a Clinical Naturopath and Nutritionist with a keen interest in the endogenous mechanisms the human body uses to maintain homeostasis, especially the manner in which genes are expressed in accordance with the foods we consume.  


Her parallel interests focus on the gut ecosystem, particularly on the responses of  intestinal epithelial cells to food-derived signals capable of influencing the progression of either health or disease.

It is this passion that led Margeaux to explore nutrigenomics further by joining Cell-Logic as a Clinician Educator, a position which later saw her appointed to the Faculty of the Institute for Nutrigenomic Medicine.  In this capacity, Margeaux has developed educational modules addressing food signalling mechanisms as they apply to the gut-immune interface, the metabolism of colonocytes and to induction of cancer-protective enzymes.

Margeaux’s clinical experience together with her ability to translate complex biochemical concepts ensures that her educational presentations empower clinicians to confidently implement these principles.

Mr Matthew Lim

B.App.Sc., B.H.Sc

Taste the Science Speaker

Green Sauces from Around the World Sunday 05 | 10:30am

As an Integrative Dietitian, Matt is fascinated by the power of functional foods to promote health, nourish the body and tantalise the taste buds.  His special interest lies in the potential for phytochemicals to influence key cellular processes, such as those of the medicinal effects of culinary herbs and spices, so readily incorporated into the diet.

Growing up in a culturally-diverse family, Matt learned to appreciate all types of food and the preparation techniques required.


A lifelong proponent of whole food and culinary nutrition, Matt shares many insights on the practical aspects of the health-promoting lifestyle he has successfully implemented in over 20 years in private practice. Much of his current work involves educating clinicians on the role of bioactive food molecules that beneficially influence cellular function.


With degrees in Biochemistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, together with his clinical experience in sports nutrition, weight management and diabetes, Matt capably translates complex science into clinical solutions.

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Dr Natessa Henville


Symposium Topic

  • When the Plumbing’s the Problem - Manual Therapy Approaches to Gastrointestinal Dysfunction Saturday 04 | 4:05pm
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Natessa Henville graduated from Macquarie University in 1994 with a Master of Chiropractic. She was certified as a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board in 2013 and as a Diplomate of the Australian College of Paediatrics in 2021.


Her private practice in Brisbane has a strong focus on childhood neurodevelopment and learning difficulties.


Her personal journey in this field began with the premature birth of her son, who had severe retinopathy of prematurity issues with cow’s milk protein allergy and significant early developmental delays. Along the way, Natessa has gained a deeper understanding of the interplay between neurology, the immune system and nutrition.


Core to her practice is the belief that for many individuals a loss of healthy function can and should be rehabilitated, not merely held in a pharmaceutically managed stasis.

Ms. Jenny Blondel

N.D, Dip BM, Dip Nut, Dip Hom, Dip BRT

Symposium Topic

  • How to Build a Successful Practice with a Food-First Approach
    Sunday 05 | 2:00pm

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Jenny Blondel is a Naturopath with 29 years’ clinical experience both in Australia and the UK.  She is a Fellow of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) and has held a seat on the Board of the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN), UK.

Jenny conducts a very busy and successful ‘general’ practice on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, working full-time with a ‘food-first’ focus on helping her patients regain optimal health. Throughout the years, she has streamlined her diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, allowing her to effectively treat patients with a wide range of presenting conditions, ranging from acute to severe or chronic.

She has authored numerous health-related articles for a range of publications both in Australia and the UK and lectures internationally, including at the International Congress of Naturopathic Medicine.

Jenny is a wife, a mum, a sister and a daughter. She loves cooking healthy food, bush-walking and Zumba!

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Dr Brad Leech

PhD (UTS), BHSc Nut Med (Hons. Class I) (Endeavour), Adv Dip Ayur.

Symposium Topic

  • Functional Dysbiosis: The Food as Medicine Approach Saturday 04 | 11:50am
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Dr Brad Leech is a PhD-qualified Clinical Nutritionist specialising in chronic autoimmune conditions and complex gastrointestinal disorders. He provides complete and personalised care to his patients using functional nutrition, integrative medicine and holistic wellness.


After entering the profession in 2008, Brad has taught and developed subjects at leading universities and conducted research on intestinal permeability, autoimmune disease management and food-based probiotics.


Brad is the Lead Clinical Educator and co-creator of Co-Biome, where expertise in gastrointestinal healthcare enables him to translate the latest science on the gut microbiome into practical clinical applications. In addition to his research and working with patients, Brad offers practitioner support through his mentoring program Brad’s Brainiacs.

Mr Roberto Giammellucca

Certified Artisan Chef

Taste the Science Speaker

Busting Myths with Sourdough Science Sunday 05 | 10:30am

Roberto Giammellucca is a Certified Artisan Chef with formal training from the prestigious Gambero Rosso Italian Cookery School. Born in Italy, Roberto's journey began humbly but swiftly transformed into a personal exploration of flavours and techniques. With an insatiable hunger for knowledge, he delved into the ancient art - and now science - of using Lievito Madre - the living, breathing, health-promoting microbial culture we describe as sourdough.

As a Certified Trainer and Assessor, the charismatic Roberto founded the Sourdough Science Academy, inspiring over 1,000 enthusiasts worldwide with his engaging workshops and innovative online courses. 


Roberto is not just a culinary expert but a passionate advocate for health and holistic well-being. Through his personal journey, he discovered how simple changes in nutrition can significantly impact one's life. By sharing his expertise and experiences, he seeks to uplift others and create a healthier, happier world, one delightful loaf at a time.

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Mr Andrew Whitfield-Cook


Andrew Whitfield-Cook has over 3 decades of diverse experience in the natural medicine professions and industry, having worked in sales, product development and manufacturing, research liaison, training and education as well as in media production.


Andrew is a renowned interviewer and podcast host across the Natural and Functional Medicine professions. He is best known for his ability to making guests feel at ease while deeply exploring clinically-relevant topics.


Previously of Fx Medicine Podcast, in 2020 Andrew founded Natural Medicine Partners and Natural Medicine Podcast, a collaborative educational forum designed to enhance the knowledge, skillset and safety of functional medicine practitioners worldwide.

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Cell-Logic Head Office

132-140 Ross Court

Cleveland, QLD, 4163

Tel: (07) 3488 0385

Intl: +617 3488 0385

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Cell-Logic is a proud supporter of Fare Share, an organisation which cooks free, nutritious meals that feed dignity and wellbeing for the disadvantaged of Brisbane.

© 2023 by Cell-Logic.

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